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Consequences of 92-Year-Old Woman Using Sun Cream on Her Face But Not Her Neck For Decades

The importance of wearing sun cream can’t be overstated and shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to people. However, if you’re still on the fence about whether or not you should be lathering up before heading out in the heat you may want to read this.

Experts have shared a shocking new photo to ram the point home and it’s pretty convincing.

The picture which was shared in the journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology shows the effects prolonged exposure to the sun can have on the skin, if not protected.

The 92-year-old woman in the photo consistently used UV protective moisturizer on her face, but she neglected to apply it to her neck for decades.

As a result, her face appears much smoother and clearer than her neck, which has been exposed to the elements. If the skin ages, naturally it is a process known as chronological ageing, but if you are aged by the sun, it’s photojing. The latter is sped up by consistent and prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays, which damage skin cells in extreme cases. This cannot only age the skin but also lead to cancer.

Speaking about the picture, Dr Christian posh said, sun cream is vital in helping protect the skin from disease. He said that it is unlikely that we can or even should aim at defeating human ageing for various reasons.

Modifiers of ageing will still be able to change bulk health span. The time we live without disease and lifespan posh wrote. After all, who would not agree to an additional 20 to 40 healthy years he went on?

Such advancements will be realized by a significant reduction of age-related diseases, including the prevention of cancers. Why? Because there is a substantial overlap between the hallmarks of cancer and the hallmarks of ageing.

Thus, addressing biological changes of ageing will also address prerequisites of cancerogenesis.

Sun cream isn’t going to bring a halt to time and prevent the ageing process, but it is vital in reducing the risk of serious illness and disease.

So next time you head out remember to smother yourself in the stuff.