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Hartford Yard Goats to play as Bouncing Pickles

The Double-A Hartford Yard Goats will play a game as the Bouncing Pickles this summer, an homage to an apocryphal tale of an obscure law in Connecticut (so obscure that there’s no real evidence that it actually exists). The logo, designed by Caroline Jette, features an anthropomorphized pickle with a backwards baseball cap hopping on a pogo stick.

The nickname Bouncing Pickles recalls the 1948 story of a pickle packer who tried to prove the freshness of his produce by bouncing a pickle. When it thudded instead of rebounding, authorities fined him $500 and destroyed his stock. While that story is true, by all accounts, the oft-reported law that is purported to have resulted from the event is spurious at best.

The Hartford Yard Goats, however, are real, and they are spectacular. They’ll take the field as the Bouncing Pickles May 17.