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Whale Watchers Capture Incredible Footage Of A Rare Dolphin Stampede

A drone is helpful in many situations, such as locating missing people.

As one man discovered, drones can also be used to view rare events.

Captain Dave Anderson enjoys exploring areas of the ocean that are sometimes left uncovered.

When he flew his drone over the ocean near San Clemente, he saw something that he never thought that he would see in his life.

There were typical waves in the water on the day that Anderson took his small boat out.

What Anderson didn’t realize was that there was something in the water that he couldn’t see.

If you’ve ever stood on the coastline, you’ve probably seen a dolphin or two jump out of the water.

However, a large pod of dolphins is a truly special event that isn’t normally seen by many people unless they are out in the ocean.

When Anderson flew his drone over the water, he was able to see thousands of dolphins gathered together.

They were in what is known as a mega-pod.

The drone also captured another event in the water that day.

There was a mother whale nurturing her little baby in the water.

The drone captured footage of another whale swimming in close proximity, acting as an escort to keep the two whales safe.

These events are only two that Anderson was able to capture that show the beauty of life in the ocean.