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Actor from “The Walking Dead” who watched his character murdered off for failing to say a word

The Walking Dead bid its fans farewell last year after more than eleven seasons and more than ten years on television. The popular series featured a number of actors, but one of them lost his character the next season after a dispute with the scriptwriters.

According to Tom Payne, who played Jesus, one line in his screenplay directly contradicted both the character and attitude that Jesus displayed throughout the season. He therefore made the choice to refrain from using the aforementioned statement.

The pertinent scene occurs around the end of the eighth season. Although Jesus backed Maggie (Lauren Cohan) as the leader of Hilltop, he did not share her and the group’s decision to spare Negan’s (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) life.

However, they eventually band together to plot Negan’s murder, going against the advice of their allies Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira). had been somewhat opposed to battling and killing people throughout the entire season, according to Payne.

After some discussion, they decided that Jesus would only partially endorse the plan, even though it didn’t turn out as expected in the end. A few episodes later, the character will pass away.