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What do celebrity breakups and salad dressing have in common

What do celebrity breakups and salad dressing have in common? Olivia Wilde is a filmmaker and actress. It has been difficult to avoid the tragic love triangle involving Jason Sudeikis, Olivia Wilde, and Harry Styles that dominated the news leading up to the release of Wilde and Styles’ new film, “Don’t Worry Darling,” whether you read celebrity gossip magazines or not. According to rumors, Wilde broke up with her fiancé and children’s father Sudeikis and began seeing her co-star Styles at different times. Things became nasty when Wilde delivered a speech to more than 4,000 Hollywood executives at CinemaCon and was given detention papers.

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The story supposedly disclosed behind-the-scenes information regarding the breakup in an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail with Wilde and Sudeikis’ former nanny. A salad, or more specifically, Wilde’s “special salad dressing,” was at the center of the narrative. The nanny related an incident in which Wilde allegedly made a salad at home to deliver to Styles. According to reports, Sudeikis hid under the car to stop her from driving away. The narrative continues, but it is obvious that Sudeikis was furious that Wilde had shared her unique salad dressing with a different boyfriend.

Thus, the obvious inquiry arises, “What’s in the unique salad dressing?” The reality isn’t as juicy as the media makes it out to be, much like tons of tabloid drama.